Root Canal Therapy and Dental Crown
Why it is must to get a Crown After Root Canal Therapy
[caption id="attachment_4220" align="aligncenter" width="416"] Root Canal Therapy[/caption]
Root Canal Therapy : Once you get a tooth root treated, you need to reinforce and fortify your treated tooth with a dental crown. Root Canal Therapy (RCT) usually weakens the tooth and requires a permanent dental restoration to remain strong. In a very cases patient may not need a crown depending on the tooth position and overall structure, there just fillings can work.
A tooth usually becomes fragile after a root canal therapy as dentist has to drill right through the tooth to get to the canal which are infected. While drilling a lot of tooth structure is lost. Also, the tooth gets weaker due to the cavity or infection prior to any procedure. After the treatment, the overall tooth structure is not as strong as it once was. Everyday functional use of teeth l...