
Showing posts from March, 2018

Invisalign : Only by Invisalign Certified Expert Gurgaon

Invisalign : Only by Invisalign Certified Expert  Gurgaon How the world has changed since the time we were born and now, immensely would you want to use yesterday’s technology today? No is everybody’s answer. We had huge cell phones that were bulky and heavy. Cars were boat-like and massive. Computers filled an entire room and TVs weren’t even close to being slim enough to hang on the wall. The worlds evolving. We’re condensing. Things are becoming high-tech, easier to use, and in some cases, basically invisible. We see the same happening in dentistry. Traditional braces are what we commonly see on our […] The post Invisalign : Only by Invisalign Certified Expert Gurgaon appeared first on Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics .

What are All On 4, All On 6 And All On 8 Implant Systems

What are All On 4, All On 6 And All On 8 Implant Systems If you have lost all teeth you are using dentures or if most of your teeth are lost and the ones which are left are either not very firm or ailing then you have options of these implant systems. These implant systems reduce the number of implants required to completely fill your mouth with either 12 or 14 new teeth in each jaw (depending on your individual condition).  This lesser number of implant requirement significantly lowers down the overall cost, hence these systems are quite popular. […] The post What are All On 4, All On 6 And All On 8 Implant Systems appeared first on Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics .

3 reasons why dental implant bridges are better than dentures

Why dental implant bridges are better than dentures When you have lost some of your teeth it can cause practical problems, such as making it harder to chew, as well as causing confidence issues, making you feel self-conscious when talking or smiling. It is for these reasons that many people like to find a solution, but with a variety of options, such as dental implant bridges and dentures available, it can be difficult deciding which one is best for you. We have put together some reasons why dental implant bridges are better than dentures, which we hope will help! They […] The post 3 reasons why dental implant bridges are better than dentures appeared first on Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics .

3 reasons why dental implant bridges are better than dentures

Why dental implant bridges are better than dentures When you have lost some of your teeth it can cause practical problems, such as making it harder to chew, as well as causing confidence issues, making you feel self-conscious when talking or smiling. [caption id="attachment_3183" align="aligncenter" width="494"] Why dental implant bridges are better than dentures[/caption] It is for these reasons that many people like to find a solution, but with a variety of options, such as dental implant bridges and dentures available, it can be difficult deciding which one is best for you. We have put together some reasons why dental implant bridges are better than dentures, which we hope will help! They feel natural If you need to have something to replace missing teeth, you want it to feel natural so that you can forget that it is there and resume eating, talking, and smiling like you always have done. A dental implant bridge is far better than d

रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट

रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट [caption id="attachment_1141" align="aligncenter" width="385"] रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट[/caption] रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट एक ऐसा इलाज है जसमें क्षतिग्रस्त या संक्रमित दांत को निकालने के जगह उसकी मरम्मत और साफ-सफाई की जाती है और फिर उन पर कैप लगाया जाता है। रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट दांत के संक्रमण के लिए रूट कैनाल सबसे सही इलाज है। दंत चिकित्सा विज्ञान का प्रयास होता है प्राकृतिक दांतों को जहां तक संभव हो सुरक्षित रखा जाए। पहले दांतों में कीड़ा लगने पर धातुओं से उन्हें भरा जाता था या फिर बहुत खराब हो जाने पर दांत को ही निकाल दिया जाता था। लेकिन अब कीड़ा लगे दांतों को बचाने में रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट बहुत कारगर इलाज के रूप सामने आया है। तो चलिये जानें रूट कैनाल पद्धति से जुड़ी जरूरी जानकारियां.... रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट पद्धति मे क्या होता है? रूट कैनाल एक ऐसा इलाज है जसमें क्षतिग्रस्त या संक्रमित दांत को निकालने के जगह उसकी मरम्मत की जाती है। शब्द "रूट कैनाल" दांत की जड़ के अंदर की कैनाल्स यानी नलियाँ (canals) की सफाई से आता है। दशकों पह

Kids Dentist Gurgaon : Everything Parents Need to Know about Teeth

Everything Parents Need to Know about Teeth Teeth are a lot of fun to learn about, and understanding teeth can help children enjoy going to the pediatric dentist! Did you know that teeth are composed of four primary layers? Each layer plays a pivotal role in supporting a strong smile and a healthy mouth. Try reading this article with your child, and teaching them about the four fun layers of the teeth! Enamel  Enamel is the outer most layer of the tooth that protects teeth from the elements that cause cavities. It is the hardest surface in the human body and the first […] The post Kids Dentist Gurgaon : Everything Parents Need to Know about Teeth appeared first on Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics .

Kids Dentist Gurgaon : Everything Parents Need to Know about Teeth

Everything Parents Need to Know about Teeth Teeth are a lot of fun to learn about, and understanding teeth can help children enjoy going to the pediatric dentist! Did you know that teeth are composed of four primary layers? Each layer plays a pivotal role in supporting a strong smile and a healthy mouth. Try reading this article with your child, and teaching them about the four fun layers of the teeth! Enamel  Enamel is the outer most layer of the tooth that protects teeth from the elements that cause cavities. It is the hardest surface in the human body and the first line of defense against cavities. It is the visual surface of the tooth, and usually stops around the gum line. Think of enamel as a barrier that shields your teeth from harm. Dentin  The layer directly beneath enamel is dentin, which is made up of microscopic tubes! It is a sensitive layer that surrounds pulp, and plays a pivotal role in communicating sensations from the surface of your teeth to the nerves i